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Drawing balances—it is both concentration and release. Drawing Together shifts two people from a typically lone state into a profoundly sincere dialogue.
— Claire Schneider

Drawing Love

by Claire Schneider for The Bottom Line "The Drawing Center"

Drawing Together was a comfortable way to withdraw into yourself, yet simultaneously commune with another person, to disconnect from the outside world and connect with another someone else. It was introvert-friendly social practice.
— Theresa Bembnister
The drawing helps a more intimate merger of who we are: two separate people, two different interests, two different lives,” said C. Allan Ryan, a former telephone company employee who once translated Russian air-to-ground transmissions on Sakhalin Island for the National Security Agency during the Korean War. “You say, gee, we’re not on this planet alone.
— Colin Dabkowski
Art practice is often restorative, healing, and a means to connection with heart and soul. This exhibition aims to utilize art process to revive interpersonal connections.
— Patricia Pendleton
Each resulting artwork becomes a form of communication between two individuals responding to each other on the page.
— Hannah Olek